Henkel’s Leaf-tailed Gecko

April 21, 2020

Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House celebrated the arrival of a Henkel’s leaf-tailed gecko on April 13. After 107 days in an incubator maintained at 74°F, a Henkel’s leaf-tailed gecko hatched out of an egg smaller than a jellybean. At hatching, the tiny gecko weighed 2 grams, which is less than the weight of a dime.

Over the past 18 months, this hatchling, along with eight others, were recommended births as part of the Henkel’s Leaf-tailed Gecko Species Survival Plan® (SSP).

Henkel’s leaf-tailed geckos are named for their distinctive tail. Their remarkable tail, along with rough brown and green skin, helps these lizards camouflage themselves against tree bark with uncanny ease.

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