Green Broadbill in exhibit

Green Broadbill

Scientific Name
Calyptomena viridis
Malaysia and Sumatra
Subtropical forests and plantations
Estimated Wild Population
Green broadbill in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Near Threatened Endangered Status Graph - Near Threatened

More Information

Green broadbills are sexually dimorphic, meaning males and females differ in appearance. Males have vibrant, bright green plumage; a black dot behind each ear; and black bands across their wings. Females have duller green feathers and lack any black markings. These birds primarily eat tropical fruits and vegetables.

Did You Know?

Green broadbills have a relatively large mouth that allows them to eat much larger pieces of food than other birds of similar size.

They have a weaker beak compared to most other birds and prefer to feed on soft fruits and figs.

During breeding season, female weave a long, tubular nest out of grass.

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