Baer's pochard in exhibit

Baer’s Pochard

Scientific Name
Aythya baeri
Geographic Range
East Asia
Insects, mollusks, shrimp, fish, algae, plants, seeds
Baer's pochard in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Critically Endangered Endangered Status Graph - Critically Endangered

More Information

Baer’s pochards are diving ducks with a black or dark gray head, neck, and back with light brown, red, and white sides. They have white eyes and a white band on their wings, which can’t be seen when they are at rest. They live in small lakes, rivers, and streams, especially with thick vegetation during breeding season.

These birds often build nests close together and close to the nests of other species. Breeding pairs form in April, then lay nine to 15 eggs through June. Females incubate for up to 28 days while males feed them. Once hatched, both parents care for the young for about three weeks before the adults leave to molt.

Did You Know?

  • These ducks can dive for 40 seconds and go to 6.5 feet under the surface when feeding.
  • Baer’s pochards are critically endangered due to hunting and the destruction of Asian wetlands.
  • They are a migratory species that breed in eastern Russia and northeastern China, and sometimes Mongolia and North Korea. They move south to winter in southern China, northeastern India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Myanmar.


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