Blue-crowned laughingthrush in exhibit

Where Are the Birds?

As of June 22, 2022

Lincoln Park Zoo Animal Care & Veterinary staff continue to closely follow United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). This spring and summer, cases were detected in Illinois and the zoo implemented its HPAI response plan.

No zoo birds currently show any signs of HPAI. However, to ensure the continued health and safety of the birds in our care, many species may remain indoors or behind-the-scenes and buildings with birds may close as needed.

HPAI or “bird flu” is a viral infection that occurs naturally among wild birds, such as migratory waterfowl, and can spread to other birds, including poultry. This particular strain is not believed to pose a high risk to human health at this time. We are confident the zoo remains a safe place to visit and connect with wildlife. For more information, please visit

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