Julie Somor

Conservation & Science
Senior Coordinator
  • B.A. – Environmental Policy and Government, College of William & Mary


Julie’s passion for wildlife began at an early age as she frequented Lincoln Park Zoo with her family while growing up in the surrounding community. Her lifelong love of animals evolved into a deeper concern for the conservation of wildlife and wild places as she attended environmental studies courses at the College of William & Mary in Virginia.

Eventually, Julie’s pursuit of an education in sustainability led to a return to her Midwest roots when she took an internship with the Green Earth Institute in the Chicago suburbs. In June 2013, Julie became Lincoln Park Zoo’s Conservation & Science coordinator, a role in which she works closely with the vice president of Conservation & Science, as well as the rest of the department, assisting with projects and research to support the zoo’s conservation mission. In 2015, Julie helped reinstate the zoo’s Green Team, which she now chairs, working to further the zoo’s commitment to conservation by advancing operational sustainability.


  • Shoffstall, E. J., & Somor, J. L. (2022). ‘Walking the talk’: Applying community-based social marketing to a pilot food waste programme at Lincoln Park Zoo. Zoo Biology, 41(5), 448–468. https://doi.org/10.1002/zoo.21727.
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