White-faced saki in exhibit

White-faced Saki

Scientific Name
Pithecia pithecia
Geographic Range
Northern South America
Fruit (also seeds, nuts, leaves, insects, soil, and minerals)
White-faced saki in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

White-faced sakis are small New World monkeys named for the males’ white or reddish head. The rest of their body is black. Females are mostly brown or grayish-brown with bright white to pale red stripes that extend from the eyes to the corners of their mouth. They are 12-16 inches in length and weigh 5 pounds.

They live in monogamous pairs or family groups, which may come together to form larger groups. They have one infant at a time after a five-month gestation. Mothers carry their young around for the first month.

Did You Know?

  • White-faced sakis are completely arboreal and spend most of their life in the trees; they almost never come to the ground, although they may forage from lower branches. They live up to 2,460 feet above sea level.
  • These small monkeys have been known to leap 33 feet in a single bound, which is helpful for escaping predators.
  • Males and females duet with one another, an act that helps to strengthen their bounds while maintaining the boundaries of their territory.


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