Solomon Islands leaf frog in exhibit

Solomon Islands Leaf Frog

Scientific Name
Ceratobatrachus guentheri
Geographic Range
Solomon Island archipelago
Insects and small vertebrates, including frogs
Solomon Islands leaf frog in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

Solomon Island leaf frogs have a triangular head and earthy coloring in brown, gold, or green. They also have ridged projections over their eyes and veins on their back. They can get up to 3 inches in size.

They are nocturnal and prefer environments with moist, broadleaf trees and little standing water. They spend most of their time in leaf litter, as they are “sit and wait” predators. They lunge at prey and swallow it whole. Breeding happens throughout the year. Females lay between five and 100 clear pea-sized eggs in tree hollows, which hatch a month later.

Did You Know?

  • The ridges on their body give Solomon Island leaf frogs the appearance of leaves, making it easy for them to camouflage in their forest habitat.
  • These leaf frogs do not have a tadpole stage. Their young hatch as fully developed frogs and do not undergo metamorphosis. They are an eighth of an inch long at birth.
  • They have unique vocalizations, including a loud call that males use that sounds like a dog’s bark. They use it to mark territory and find mates; it can be heard up to a half mile away.


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