Puerto Rican parrot in exhibit

Puerto Rican Parrot

Scientific Name
Amazona vittata
Geographic Range
Puerto Rico
Fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers, and bark
Puerto Rican parrot in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Critically Endangered Endangered Status Graph - Critically Endangered

More Information

Native to the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, these parrots are mostly green, although they have a red band above their beak and blue on their head and wings. They also have featherless rings around their eyes. They are about 12 inches long.

They fly in flocks within forests 650–2,000 feet above sea level. They are considered important seed dispersers in their native range. Breeding takes place between late February and June, after which the parrots build nests in tree cavities and lay two to four eggs per clutch. Females do most of the chick-rearing. Fledging takes place after about nine weeks, but young birds do not mature until the age of 4.

Did You Know?

  • Puerto Rican parrots are considered important seed dispersers in their native range.
  • These birds are monogamous and stay with the same partner for life.
  • In 1975, only 13 birds were left, due to habitat loss, pest control, and capture for the pet trade. Governmental organizations began intensive efforts to save the species. These included controlling predators, creating artificial nest sites, and reintroduction. The population remains small, but Lincoln Park Zoo scientists are lending their population management expertise to this ongoing effort.


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