Dyeing Poison Dart Frog

Scientific Name
Dendrobates tinctorius
Geographic Range
Northeastern South America
Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

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The dyeing poison dart frog is seen in a variable range of bright colors, such as yellow, green, blue, and orange. These extremely toxic animals like to live under leaves or mossy rocks within tropical forests, usually near water.

When mating, these frogs may be competitive, wrestling and chasing one another. They are also involved in raising their offspring. The tadpoles climb onto their father’s back so he can take them to water, where the family remains until the juveniles mature at one year of age. As adults, they live on land.

Did You Know?

  • The dyeing poison dart frog is one of the largest poisonous frog species, at 2 inches long.
  • Unlike other dart frogs, the dyeing poison dart frog is both social and active during the day.
  • The name of poison dart frogs comes from the fact that humans once used the poison of certain species on the tips of hunting arrows, although there’s no evidence that it happened with this species.
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