Crowned lemur in exhibit

Crowned Lemur

Scientific Name
Eulemur coronatus
Geographic Range
Northern tip of Madagascar
Fruit (also flowers, pollen, leaves, insects, and soil)
Crowned lemur in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Endangered Endangered Status Graph - Endangered

More Information

Crowned lemurs are medium-sized prosimians, more closely related to the earliest primates than to present-day monkeys and apes. They have a tail that is longer than their body, measuring 17–20 inches; their body length is 13–14 inches. They weigh, on average, 4.4 pounds. Males have a grayish back, whitish face, and V-shaped orange markings above their forehead, along with a crown-like patch of black fur atop their head. Females have a lighter head and crown.

Lemurs live in groups of five individuals or more. Females hold the highest rank in the group. While they are mainly arboreal, crowned lemurs travel and forage on the ground, usually in small groups. Mating season takes place in late May and early June, with one or two infants born in the fall. Their young reach maturity at around 20 months of age.

Did You Know?

  • All lemur species are native to Madagascar. They exist nowhere else in the wild.
  • Crowned lemurs are the only lemur species found on the Cap d’Ambre Peninsula, Madagascar’s northernmost point. They also travel adeptly across the pointed Tsingy rock formations in their native range.
  • Lemurs are the most threatened group of mammals on the planet, primarily due to habitat loss. They are also hunted for food and targeted because they occasionally raid crops.


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