Anthony’s Poison Dart Frog

Scientific Name
Epipedobates anthonyi
Geographic Range
Southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Peru
Ants, beetles, mites, spiders, and springtails
Endangered Status Graph - Near Threatened Endangered Status Graph - Near Threatened

More Information

Anthony’s poison-arrow frogs are brown or reddish with yellow or white dorsal stripes.  They inhabit equatorial dry and mountainous forests near wetlands or streams and are active during the day. With their habitats being modified, these frogs are also being found more often at plantations and on roadways.

Females lay up to 40 eggs in ground leaf litter. After that, the male takes over their care. The eggs hatch after two weeks.

Did You Know?

  • Like other poison-arrow frogs, Anthony’s poison-arrow frogs secrete toxins from their skin as a defense against predators. To produce this toxin, they must eat prey that includes a certain biochemical.
  • Their bright coloring serves as a warning that they are poisonous, which deters predators.
  • Males guard and keep eggs moist, then move the hatched tadpoles to a pool or stream so they can continue to develop.
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