Allen's swamp monkey in exhibit

Allen’s Swamp Monkey

Scientific Name
Allenopithecus nigroviridis
The Congo Basin to western Zaire
Swampy forests and creeks
Estimated Wild Population
Allen's swamp monkey in exhibit Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern Endangered Status Graph - Least Concern

More Information

Allen’s swamp monkeys are strong primates covered in grayish-green fur. Males are much larger than females. These tree-dwellers forage on the ground and browse for fish and insects in shallow water. Like most other guenon monkeys, they are quite intelligent and curious; they are often seen manipulating objects.

Did You Know?

Allen’s swamp monkeys communicate through gestures and calls. Males emit a deep, throaty croak while younger individuals produce a chipring sound, often to indicate alarm.

Webbed fingers and toes enable them to swim very well. They will often dive into water to elude predators, such as eagles and snakes.

Lincoln Park Zoo scientists study their memory and problem-solving by presenting them with complex tasks.

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We cooperate with other members of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to manage the zoo population of this species through a Species Survival Plan®.

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